CHINOY TV is a 60-minute lifestyle magazine show that tackles various topics on the Chinese-Filipino lifestyle. It features people, events, sports, fashion, food and other interesting items that cater not only to Chinoy viewers but also to Filipinos and Chinese culture enthusiasts as well.


ChinoyTV wanted to establish its online presence starting with a website portal where they could share the latest blogs, news, and updates on their events.

digital marketing
digital marketing

By creating a website, ChinoyTV is now accessible online 24/7, allowing them to showcase their events, and programs online. Having an analytics attached to the system of the website also ensures that the marketing team will be able to identify and analyze where the website traffic is coming from, which pages are performing the best, and therefore will be able to tailor the content and programs based on audience feedback.

digital marketing
digital marketing
digital marketing
digital marketing
digital marketing
digital marketing
digital marketing
digital marketing